Welcome to Vintage Cycle Bits!

.Here you will find a wide selection of spares for you Vintage bicycle restoration.

We hope that you'll find this web-shop to be more user friendly..

Our original Renaissance cycle web-shop is overflowing with product offerings, We'll have lots and lots of bits and pieces, so instead of adding more to the already stuffed Renaissance web-shop, we decided to launch a sister web-shop to take on newly found material. At the same time we'll be starting the very long process pf cleaning up our Renaissance cycles web-shop.

To celebrate the opening of this new web-shop, we are offering 30% discount on all orders over 25,00 euros!

Make sure to fill in code '30PERCENT' during check out!


"Thanks to Vintagecyclebits, I finally found that one rare bicycle part!
The service was fantastic, and the delivery was fast. I will definitely be back!"

Jan de Vries

Exclusive Vintage Parts

Explore our unique collection of vintage bicycle parts and give your bike an authentic look!

About us

Vintagecyclebits was born out of a passion for classic bicycles and everything related to them. We understand the value and beauty of vintage bicycle parts and want to share this passion with other cycling enthusiasts.

Our assortment is carefully curated and consists of high-quality, original parts that are hard to find elsewhere. Vintagecyclebits is part of Renaissance-Cycles, a business we started 25 years ago.

We hope you enjoy our offerings and find that special part to complete your project. For any questions or advice, feel free to contact us!